Cosmetic Acupuncture

One of the most common reasons people try acupuncture as Cosmatics

Cosmetic acupuncture also referred to as facial acupuncture, is acupuncture that focuses specifically on an aesthetic condition of the patient, usually concerning the face. Like traditional acupuncture, it involves strategically inserting ultra-thin, sterilized needles into different areas of the skin with the aim of stimulating blood flow and balancing the body’s Qi (which, when translated, means “vital energy” in Traditional Chinese Medicine.Cosmetic acupuncture] can enhance the production of collagen via micro-injury to the skin, increase blood flow, stimulate immune responses that reduce inflammation, and activate any number of functional points that have various responses, like reducing jaw tension or relieving anxiety,” says licensed acupuncturist Dr. Kanchan Hande.

Who is cosmetic acupuncture for

Anyone who wants a functional and holistic approach to health and beauty is a candidate,” says Dr. Kanchan Hande. Those with Botox or filler should wait at least two weeks after injection before seeking this kind of treatment, and Dr. Kanchan Hande says this waiting period allows for swelling from procedures to reduce and Botox to fully kick in. Acupumture will give immmediate,painless and drugless result. If you’re pregnant, check with your doctor before trying cosmetic acupuncture.

What are the possible benefits of cosmetic acupuncture

Improved Collagen Production facial acupuncture, specifically, is hypothesized to stimulate lymphatic drainage, and, therefore, increase blood flow to the face. “This will support collagen production, which can help reduce fine lines and wrinkles,”Reduced Inflammation and Jaw Tension
Applying needles directly to specific acupuncture points helps to improve blood circulation, says Dr. Kanchan Hande, and this can stimulate an immune response that can also reduce inflammation. It can also “help to release trigger points in various muscles of the body.”

Is cosmetic acupuncture a natural alternative for Botox

In a word, no. While facial acupuncture has been referred to as a “natural alternative” to Botox, they are not equivalent in the way they affect the skin. Cosmetic acupuncture doesn’t inhibit muscle contraction in the way that Botox does, but rather aims to stimulate more blood flow to an area. “In theory, it works through potentially stimulating levels of collagen which would make the skin plump and [could] reduce some fine lines and wrinkles Improved Collagen Production facial acupuncture, specifically, is hypothesized to stimulate lymphatic drainage, and, therefore, increase blood flow to the face. “This will support collagen production, which can help reduce fine lines and wrinkles”.

How does the treatment work

Much like when you fall down and cut your skin, your body has a natural healing process that causes the production of new tissue — and the same works with acupuncture. “By inserting needles into different points on the face, you are creating painless micro-traumas to the tissue, which in turn tricks the brain into stimulating the production of collagen and elastin that smooths the lines and wrinkles in that area,” says Licenced Acupuncturist. Some bonus benefits of poking your face with needles: according to Kanchan Hande the process increases blood flow and stimulates an immune response that reduces inflammation and can activate any number of functional points that have various responses, like reducing jaw tension or relieving anxiety.